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2017 کیسا رہے گا

Horoscope 2017

Star Date
Aries21Marc - 19Apr
Taurus 20April - 20May
Gemini 21May - 20June
Cancer 21June - 22July
Leo 23July - 22Aug
Virgo 23Aug - 22Sep
Libra 23Sep - 22Oct
Scorpio 23Oct - 21Nov
Saggitarius 22Nov - 21Dec
Capricorn 22Dec - 19Jan
Aquarius 20Jan - 18Feb
Picees 19Feb - 20Mar

قاضی محمد عظیم / Author & Editor

Astrologer in karachi Pakistan. We provide the services like Astrology, Palmistry, ilm-ul-jaffar, Istikhara, Taweezat and Ruhani ilaj, Send us your problem and we will give you Solution. InshAllah Allah pak will resolve your problem

Coprights @ 2016, Astrodarbar